Our Services

A smile is the most beautiful curve on the body.


We offer multiple options of neuromodulators or “tox” as you may hear it called. These can reduce or eliminate facial fine lines and wrinkles. It can also aid in painful conditions such as TMJ, bruxism, and headaches. Botulinum toxins have been in use safely on humans since the 1980s. Treatment units will be fine tuned to fit your desires and specific needs by your provider.

Prices: Initial visit $10/unit, $12/unit thereafter. See our injection guide for more information.

Dermal Fillers

The role of dermal fillers is to assist with volume replacement, enhancement and correction of the face. As we age we lose collagen or the supportive structure of the face and skin. Dermal fillers can replace this space where collagen has been lost. Scars can be minimized and certain areas of the face can be enhanced such as lips and cheeks through the use of fillers.


Dermal fillers are priced per syringe and are product based. Sometimes multiple areas can be treated with one syringe. Results last 6-12months depending on the filler choice and location treated. Syringes typically range in price from $700-$850.

Hydration Therapy

Looking to give your skin that healthy glow and fullness? Or maybe you’ve had one too many beers in Beer City, USA. Perhaps you are looking to gain an athletic edge. Whatever you are into, we have you covered. Not only do we provide hydration therapy, but we boast specifically tailored vitamin infusions to help you feel refreshed. Our IV therapists are trained RNs with years of experience. They will guide you every step of the way.

If you are in a hurry and need a quick boost we offer B12 injections to give you that extra pep in your step.

See our full menu.

Ready to feel revived?